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Public Fairness Assessment
(Tim Draper's Cal 3 initiative blocked by state Supreme Court)
Cal 3 / Proposition 9, a proposal to divide California into three new states, will not be on the ballot in November, 2018 due to intervention by the state Supreme Court. The initiative, which had nearly twice the number of signatures required, is a project of Silicon Valley capitalist Tim Draper. The court order denying ballot access said there were questions about Cal 3's validity and that there was more potential harm letting it stay on the November ballot than in delaying it for a future vote. Draper responded via Facebook, saying "Whether you agree of not with this initiative, this is not the way democracies are supposed to work."
  • The court acted in the best interests of Californians because it decided Cal 3's potential for damage outweighed the downside of making an exception to normal democratic process and deferring the people’s vote to a future election.
  • The court's action was justified because Cal 3 as worded made public approval tantamount to legislative approval, circumventing state representatives’ statutory role in the democratic process.
  • The court overreacted in denying the ballot to Cal 3 because a public vote in favor is still subject to the court’s own legal review and final approval by the U.S. Congress.
  • The court was wrong to prefer an unusual and anti-democratic action over popular vote.
  • California should consider other mechanisms for regional autonomy and authority to accomplish the goals of Cal 3, without the constitutional and logistical challenges of creating new states.
  • I'm not sure
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 15 RHU
Consensus bonus: 15 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 150,000 RHU
Eligibility: 500 Lawyers member | Law student / intern | Lawyer / Attorney | Blockchain 500 | 500 VCs (venture and angel investors) | Journalist / Blogger | Non-California citizen | California citizen | Member of California State Assembly | Member of California State Senate | Legal Scholar
Poll opened: 31 Jul 2018
Poll closes: 16 Jul 2019
Current jury pool: 555
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
Now e-commerce is one of the most important types of trade and most people go to the electronic market and the size of the electronic market has become global, but it still faces some problems such as: There is no clear legalization to regulate the relationship between the seller, the buyer and the broker sometimes, and the nationality of the parties is different in addition to the difficulty of tracking its parties due to the restrictions and privacy conditions imposed by most websites. The multiplicity of product transmission links creates another problem in determining responsibility for theft or the time to return the price from 12 to 30 days and some e-shopping sites return the amount to the buyer's wallet that is on the same website and not return it to the bank account, which restricts the buyer's will in his money, and another problem in the face of e-marketing is the inability to impose taxes and customs on sales completely.

Opinions of experts

Dr. Abdul wahed Aldrawish:

1. Establishing insurance companies for websites

2. Determine a specific amount for purchase. If the amount increases, there are paper agreements or contact

Abdulaziz Alshnifi :

1. Identifying an international arbitration center
  • Establishing insurance companies for websites
  • Determine a specific amount for purchase. If the amount increases, there are paper agreements or contact
  • Identifying an international arbitration center
  • official document when registering as contract or proving the relationship and responsibility
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | ADR Professional (Alternative Dispute Resolution) | Law Professors | Lawyer / Attorney
Poll opened: 02 Feb 2022
Current jury pool: 21
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
You can be safe but not feel so; when crimes decreased, fear of crimes was still increasing.
  • I can feel safe when there are stricter gun laws; the thought of everyone having a gun terrifies me.
  • I can feel safe when I have my own gun; if there is a gun in every room, I fear nothing.
  • I can feel safe when I live outside of urban areas; the rural areas feel safer for me.
  • I can feel safe when I complete an active shooter drill; knowing what to do makes more confident and secure.
  • I can feel safe when I do not keep up with crime news; the media induces unreasonable fear in me.
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of public – American | Member of public – not American
Poll opened: 25 Jan 2022
Poll closes: 24 Mar 2022
Current jury pool: 29
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
Frank Andres- The Giveaway Guy, unfairly blocked my access to over 200 digital products and software, citing a breach of his websites policies and in the process denied me ALL the commissions owed to me.

I want 100% access to my products, unimpeded. Or a full refund for every product I ever bought stemming back 3+ years. and I want my commissions owed to me.
  • 100% access to my products, unimpeded and I want my commissions owed to me.
  • A full refund for every product I ever bought stemming back 3+ years. and I want my commissions owed to me.
  • 100% refund on every $5 Friday promotion I ever bought from him. Meaning ALL front end + any O.T.O.'s. + the commissions he owes me. Products purchased over 3+ years= $915 Commissions Owed = $100 Lost Revenue since last October = $1000 Money I've spent to have this matter resolved = $115 -------------------------------------------------------- Total $2130 U.S.D
View case on PeopleClaim
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 250 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | 500 Lawyers member | ADR Professional (Alternative Dispute Resolution) | Mediator
Poll opened: 11 Aug 2020
Current jury pool: 58
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
A proposed New York State Legislature bill (S9191) would require people seeking or renewing handgun licenses to submit to police review of their search engine history and social media accounts. Applicants would have to hand over all account login credentials.
  • For any activity that is a privilege rather than a right.
  • For gun ownership, because the public risks are high.
  • Only non-citizens should be subject to such searches.
  • Only convicted felons should be subject to such searches.
  • Only convicted felons and people with a history of mental illness or domestic violence should be subject to such searches.
  • Only anyone with a diagnosis of mental illnessor a confirmed history of drug abuse should be subject to such searches.
  • None. It violates privacy rights and constitutional protections against unreasonable searches and seizures.
  • By Court order only, with Probable cause.
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 15 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 15,000 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | 500 Lawyers member | ADR Professional (Alternative Dispute Resolution) | Law student / intern | Lawyer / Attorney | Privacy advocates
Poll opened: 25 Nov 2018
Poll closes: 21 Jan 2019
Current jury pool: 207
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
(Thought leaders weigh in on how to fix Facebook)
Voting options
  • Reduce anonymity. Require real verification with goal of 100% user verification.
  • Open the Facebook platform to independent research of user behavior and use of advertiser tools.
  • Allow users the choice to sort their news feeds chronologically rather than Facebook’s algorithmically-sorted feed.
  • Offer users a paid option in exchange for greater control over data.
  • Require Facebook and other online platforms to be considered “information fiduciaries” with a legal duty to protect their users’ information.
  • Convert Facebook to a blockchain-based liquid democracy where users vote directly or by proxy on all privacy and governance matters. Distribute 10% of revenues to users based on years of active membership.
  • Do nothing; let the market decide.
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 15 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 75,000 RHU
Eligibility: Venture Capitalist (VC) | Legal Professional | Journalist / Blogger | Regulator / Legislator | Technologist | Facebook user | 500 Lawyers member | 500 Tech Leaders member
Poll opened: 18 Apr 2018
Poll closes: 05 Jun 2018
Current jury pool: 4172
Status: Voting in progress
Should we help ordinary Russians survive Putin’s war financially—and if so, how?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 08 Mar 2022
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 34
Total RHUCoin awarded: 170 RHU
Status: Closed
Situation between Russia and Ukraine: the role of other countries in reforming the situation
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 23 Feb 2022
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 20
Total RHUCoin awarded: 100 RHU
Status: Closed
Bitcoin price for 2022?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 16 Feb 2022
Poll closed on: 03 Oct 2024
Voters: 14
Total RHUCoin awarded: 70 RHU
Status: Closed
Bad business with Prescription Hope
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 05 Nov 2021
Poll closed on: 05 Apr 2022
Voters: 9
Total RHUCoin awarded: 45 RHU
Status: Closed
I have blood in my stool and urine and they refuse to book my appointment after repeated calls!!
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 18 Aug 2021
Poll closed on: 22 Oct 2021
Voters: 25
Total RHUCoin awarded: 125 RHU
Status: Closed
ServiceMagic (now HomeAdvisor) changed my business telephone number and put their business phone with my business name on the internet
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 07 Apr 2021
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 39
Total RHUCoin awarded: 190 RHU
Status: Closed
What do we do with college students during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 16 Aug 2020
Poll closed on: 16 Sep 2021
Voters: 58
Total RHUCoin awarded: 290 RHU
Status: Closed
Most effective early treatments/prophylaxes for COVID-19
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 12 Aug 2020
Poll closed on: 22 Oct 2021
Voters: 48
Total RHUCoin awarded: 235 RHU
Status: Closed
Is early use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 in healthy people a good idea?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 04 Aug 2020
Poll closed on: 22 Oct 2021
Voters: 54
Total RHUCoin awarded: 140 RHU
Status: Closed
DevaCurl (Deva Concepts LLC) still hasn't refunded me for the product I returned in MARCH because it made my hair fall out
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 03 Aug 2020
Poll closed on: 18 Feb 2021
Voters: 62
Total RHUCoin awarded: 310 RHU
Status: Closed
Is Hillstone Restaurant Group, which includes Houston's, Hillstone, and R+D Kitchen, the worst company in America?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 06 May 2020
Poll closed on: 21 Aug 2020
Voters: 55
Total RHUCoin awarded: 790 RHU
Status: Closed
Business heroes of coronavirus COVID-19: Which business has done the most to help?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 31 Mar 2020
Poll closed on: 18 May 2021
Voters: 124
Total RHUCoin awarded: 620 RHU
Status: Closed
How will COVID-19 change how we do things in the future?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 30 Mar 2020
Poll closed on: 18 May 2021
Voters: 63
Total RHUCoin awarded: 315 RHU
Status: Closed
Did President Trump obstruct justice?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 07 May 2019
Poll closed on: 18 Feb 2021
Voters: 138
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,200 RHU
Status: Closed
RW vs. ADT Security Systems Inc.
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 30 Apr 2019
Poll closed on: 09 Sep 2019
Voters: 100
Total RHUCoin awarded: 2,320 RHU
Status: Closed
What will be the Stellar price be on January 1st, 2020 ?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 28 Apr 2019
Poll closed on: 21 Aug 2020
Voters: 91
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,755 RHU
Status: Closed
Wounded Veteran and Customer VS Westland AutoSales
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 30 Mar 2019
Poll closed on: 26 May 2021
Voters: 69
Total RHUCoin awarded: 705 RHU
Status: Closed
What will the price of Bitcoin be in January, 2020?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 30 Mar 2019
Poll closed on: 21 Aug 2020
Voters: 160
Total RHUCoin awarded: 4,030 RHU
Status: Closed
NRA/Second Amendment vs. The Right of American Children to Live
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 28 Mar 2019
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 81
Total RHUCoin awarded: 800 RHU
Status: Closed
What is the best solution to America's healthcare cost crisis?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 27 Mar 2019
Poll closed on: 06 Jan 2021
Voters: 116
Total RHUCoin awarded: 790 RHU
Status: Closed
Phone owner vs robocalling National Health Agents
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 01 Jan 2019
Poll closed on: 13 Oct 2020
Voters: 175
Total RHUCoin awarded: 2,755 RHU
Status: Closed
Taken for a ride due to the fact that I recently had surgery and was recovering. Took advantage of my situation-illness.
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 29 Dec 2018
Poll closed on: 06 Jan 2021
Voters: 101
Total RHUCoin awarded: 645 RHU
Status: Closed
Deceptive Sales Practices by Car Dealership
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 20 Nov 2018
Poll closed on: 16 Sep 2021
Voters: 115
Total RHUCoin awarded: 745 RHU
Status: Closed
Stiffed landlord vs. Michael J. Mondin
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 20 Nov 2018
Poll closed on: 06 Jan 2021
Voters: 173
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,015 RHU
Status: Closed
What is the best restaurant in Miami?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 12 Nov 2018
Poll closed on: 18 May 2021
Voters: 190
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,140 RHU
Status: Closed
If someone sends an object that looks like a bomb which is actually harmless is it a crime or protected expression of free speech?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 29 Oct 2018
Poll closed on: 16 Sep 2021
Voters: 239
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,405 RHU
Status: Closed
EP vs. Suttle Motors, Newport News, VA
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 08 Oct 2018
Poll closed on: 06 Jan 2021
Voters: 147
Total RHUCoin awarded: 735 RHU
Status: Closed
Which cryptocurrency will perform best in 2019?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 05 Sep 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Aug 2020
Voters: 358
Total RHUCoin awarded: 4,335 RHU
Status: Closed
Should Starbucks coffee shops be equally open and accessible to non-paying customers?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 04 Sep 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 291
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,635 RHU
Status: Closed
Monsanto’s $289 million Roundup verdict
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 16 Aug 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 236
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,450 RHU
Status: Closed
What will be the future of ICOs?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 10 Aug 2018
Poll closed on: 06 Jan 2021
Voters: 242
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,350 RHU
Status: Closed
NYC vs. Ridesharing Apps (Uber, Lyft, etc.)
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 09 Aug 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 243
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,555 RHU
Status: Closed
Should Harley-Davidson motorcycles be made overseas?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 27 Jul 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 391
Total RHUCoin awarded: 2,215 RHU
Status: Closed
Connected cars, disconnected repair shops?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 26 Jul 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 291
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,705 RHU
Status: Closed
Should illegal aliens be allowed to vote in U.S. elections?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 24 Jul 2018
Poll closed on: 31 Aug 2018
Voters: 288
Total RHUCoin awarded: 3,645 RHU
Status: Closed
Taken for a ride by Uber
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 27 Jun 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Aug 2020
Voters: 393
Total RHUCoin awarded: 4,295 RHU
Status: Closed
Guest vs. Hyatt Place Louisville East
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 21 Jun 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Aug 2020
Voters: 355
Total RHUCoin awarded: 3,485 RHU
Status: Closed
Customer vs. Stack Creations, Bangalore, India
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 14 Jun 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Aug 2020
Voters: 365
Total RHUCoin awarded: 4,830 RHU
Status: Closed
Claimant vs. Testarossa Motors, League City, Texas
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 05 Jun 2018
Poll closed on: 05 Jul 2018
Voters: 352
Total RHUCoin awarded: 3,445 RHU
Status: Closed
Should cryptocurrency be regulated as a security?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 27 Apr 2018
Poll closed on: 05 Jun 2018
Voters: 1547
Total RHUCoin awarded: 24,515 RHU
Status: Closed

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