Join the 500 Travel Pros and earn crypto online
Apply your know-how voting to create informed consensus on consumer and industry travel issues.

Sign up, earn your first 5 RHUCoin*

Years of travel industry experience:

*Available to accepted applicants with 2+ years travel industry experience

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A LinkedIn and/or Facebook account (active 1 year or more) required for membership.
See how it works. Try your first case. Get 15 RHUCoin.
Why join the 500 Travel Pros?
Start earning online
Use your travel industry know-how to earn cryptocurrency.
Build crypto holdings
Get a start with the currency of the future.
Help People
Connect with travelers who need your experience. Vote on cases, offer consulting services, connect with major travel brands.
How it works
Get started. It’s easy.
Choose a case. Vote for the fairest resolution. Earn 15 RHUCoin—or a bonus 20 RHU if your vote is in the consensus.
What expertise do I need to qualify?
You'll need a minimum of two years’ professional experience in the travel industry.
Do I need legal experience?
The value of your vote depends on your knowledge of the travel industry, experience with customer problems, your sense of fairness, and common sense.
How am I matched with a case?
As a member of the 500 Travel Pros we’ll notify you whenever a Public Fairness AssessmentTM is initiated for a travel-related case.
Can I do this part-time?
Yes, you can review a case and vote—and earn RHUCoin cryptocurrency.
How do I get paid?
You’ll be paid in RHUCoin cryptocurrency for: 1) voting; 2) contributing a new solution that's selected to be added to the ballot; 3) being in the consensus vote in any case you've voted on; or 4) any of your votes that the disputing parties base their settlement on. (For U.S. citizens, these awards will be credited as points, to be converted to RHUCoin if and when pending U.S. security regulations permit cryptocurrency transactions of this kind.). You can also offer direct online consulting services to our members who need additional advice, at rates you negotiate direct with them through Rhubarb affiliate
What is RHUCoin?
RHUCoin is the Future of Law coin that allows its holders to engage communities of industry experts to help resolve consumers and business-to-business disputes. While RHUCoin is the default currency for PFAs, disputants may offer rewards in other cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) or in “fiat currencies" such as dollars, Euros, or others. RHUCoin is an early-stage currency that gives you an opportunity to accumulate your holdings prior to ICO and exchange listings.
Who's behind Rhubarb?
Rhubarb is a community-managed network of industry insiders and consumers, powered by RHUCoin to facilitate community-based dispute resolution. Rhubarb was started by the same team that created PeopleClaim, the largest online community-based dispute resolution platform.