Public Fairness AssessmentTM
Initiated by: R.S.

Situation between Russia and Ukraine: the role of other countries in reforming the situation

(How should the USA handle the Ukrainian situation?)
Public verdict: "...Here, though, are some potential routes that do not involve a military and thus bloody outcome... 1) The West could persuade President Putin to back down... 2) Nato and Russia could agree a new security deal... 3) Ukraine and Russia could revive the Minsk agreements... 4) Ukraine could become neutral, like Finland... 5) The current stand-off could become the status quo... --James Landale, BBC News
09 jurors voted to form this verdict and were awarded 180 RHU. Check your balance to see if you qualified. Log in
Case description
Late 2021 saw unprecedented threats of war and nuclear war from the Putin government. While Russian nuclear threats are common,
the prospect of a wider war in Ukraine is dreadful to contemplate. If Russia were to invade, thousands could die. Many more might flee.
The economic cost would be severe, the humanitarian cost devastating.
Yet Russia continues to build up its forces around Ukraine, and the West continues to threaten dire consequences if they were to step one foot over the border.
So is there a diplomatic way out, an exit from this confrontation that is peaceful and durable?
20 total voters
How the public voted
09 votes
""...Here, though, are some potential routes that do not involve a military and thus bloody outcome... 1) The West could persuade President Putin to back down... 2) Nato and Russia could agree a new security deal... 3) Ukraine and Russia could revive the Minsk agreements... 4) Ukraine could become neutral, like Finland... 5) The current stand-off could become the status quo... --James Landale, BBC News"
04 votes
""In the case that Russia strikes, we will limit the access to financial markets for the Russian economy and (impose) export controls that will stop the possibility for Russia to modernize and diversify its economy,” she added. “And we have a lot of high-tech goods where we have a global dominance, and that are absolutely necessary for Russia and cannot be replaced easily." --Ursula von der Leyen, head of the EU’s Executive Commission, as quoted by Karl Ritter and Geir Moulson of the AP."
03 votes
""Ukraine give up NATO membership to avoid war." -- DW – Made for minds"
03 votes
"The United States should use economic instruments, military tools and diplomatic tools to stop the Russians. --Max Bergman, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress"
01 votes
"From my wife, who was born in Russia: "NATO should just offer European citizenship to any Russian soldier who wants to defect. Within an hour Russia will have no army." -- Evan Lorenz on Twitter"
See who voted: 4 jury categories.View more

What happens next

Disputing parties will be invited to resolve the matter based on this public verdict. If the parties have agreed beforehand to use the results to arbitrate the case the verdict will be binding. If not, the results are nonbinding but can be used as input to guide further negotiation. Depending on the case, results may be distributed to other interested parties such as regulators and media.