Public Fairness AssessmentTM
Initiated by: K.B.

Stiffed landlord vs. Michael J. Mondin

(Michael J. Mondin has not paid the rent, utilities and other costs he has acknowledged he owes me.)
Public verdict: Michael J. Mondin should pay claimant settlement of $2,648 that he offered in February, plus $500 in interest charges incurred. Total settlement $3,148.
78 jurors voted to form this verdict and were awarded 1,560 RHU. Check your balance to see if you qualified. Log in
Parties has been invited to settle under the public verdict or make a counteroffer
Case description
Claimant says she added Michael J Mondin to her lease in Colorado while she was working overseas. Mr. Mondin agreed to pay the full rent and utilities for six months, plus the cost of a parking space added to the lease for his sole convenience. Mr. Mondin vacated the apartment without notice, disclosure, or communication, and owing substantial rent, utility and parking costs. Claimant incurred further losses by having to vacate her overseas rental early and fly home to investigate the situation. She filed a PeopleClaim on November 21, 2017.

Michael J. Mondin disputed some items on the PeopleClaim – internet and parking charges – but offered to settle the claim for $3,348 less a $700 security deposit = $2,648, with payment to be made in full by Feb. 1, 2018. The claimant agreed to that offer. However, the agreed settlement has never been paid, according to the claimant, and she believes it was made in bad faith. Michael J. Mondin left his job in Colorado and has not responded to mail sent to his family home in Orange, Connecticut. Original claim and response posted at

The claimant has since incurred a further $500 in credit card interest on Michael J. Mondin's unpaid debt.
173 total voters
How the public voted
78 votes
"Michael J. Mondin should pay claimant settlement of $2,648 that he offered in February, plus $500 in interest charges incurred. Total settlement $3,148."
53 votes
"Michael J. Mondin should pay unpaid rent, utilities and landlord's travel in the amount of 3,355.99 as originally requested."
42 votes
"Claimant should add 30% in fees to agreed settlement and turn Michael J. Mondin's debt over to a collection agency."
See who voted: 6 jury categories.View more

What happens next

Disputing parties will be invited to resolve the matter based on this public verdict. If the parties have agreed beforehand to use the results to arbitrate the case the verdict will be binding. If not, the results are nonbinding but can be used as input to guide further negotiation. Depending on the case, results may be distributed to other interested parties such as regulators and media.