Public Fairness AssessmentTM
Initiated by: J.J.

Taken for a ride due to the fact that I recently had surgery and was recovering. Took advantage of my situation-illness.

Public verdict: TitleMax should credit you with the bank overdraft charges and check its system. I'm not clear as to how the duplicate payment was made - did the representative make it online for you, as well as you making it? A title loan company needs to be particularly careful about duplicate payments since its customers are likely short of cash, and any duplicate payment will probably create a shortfall in the customer's bank account, potentially leading to other payments bouncing. While the company wouldn't want to stop someone from making extra payments, an extra payment should trigger a notice: "You have already made a payment for this period. Are you sure you want to make another?"
21 jurors voted to form this verdict and were awarded 420 RHU. Check your balance to see if you qualified. Log in
Parties has been invited to settle under the public verdict or make a counteroffer
Case description
The dispute is I telephone Title Max on Saturday 12/15/18, informed the REP that I would be in on Wed. 12-19-18, after I left my Dr.'s Office from the Follow-Up visit, pertaining to my surgery that I had on 12-12-18. No Problem per the REP., I would be in to pay the bill. The weather turned bad RAINING, I was not going to chance my health with a relapse, so I called to inform the REP (Angie) that I would go online and make the payment, she gave me the website, made the payment on my cell phone and got a confirmation #. The next day when I check my bank account, I notice a negative, along with a duplicate payment for Title Max. I had to file a complaint with the bank to dispute the issues, it took about 3 days or more to be credited back to my account. The real issue is someone or the computer should have notice two duplicate payments repeated one Wed 12/19/18 and the next payment 12/20/18. No one would make that BIG mistake
101 total voters
How the public voted
21 votes
"TitleMax should credit you with the bank overdraft charges and check its system. I'm not clear as to how the duplicate payment was made - did the representative make it online for you, as well as you making it? A title loan company needs to be particularly careful about duplicate payments since its customers are likely short of cash, and any duplicate payment will probably create a shortfall in the customer's bank account, potentially leading to other payments bouncing. While the company wouldn't want to stop someone from making extra payments, an extra payment should trigger a notice: "You have already made a payment for this period. Are you sure you want to make another?""
17 votes
"If the double payment was a website or agent error and not due to an error by the customer, Title Max should reimburse its customer for all overdraft or bounced check fees plus pay $100 to the claimant for the aggravation."
10 votes
"I guess this issue must have happened because of an error while doing an online transfer or bad internet which might have caused the transaction page to refresh and repeat the transaction. Solution: A third party software with blockchain technology could be implemented in bank wherein the customers can pay the bills in a stable coin crypto and duplicate transactions could be avoided and a very fast transaction can be made within seconds to bank."
See who voted: 1 jury categories.View more

What happens next

Disputing parties will be invited to resolve the matter based on this public verdict. If the parties have agreed beforehand to use the results to arbitrate the case the verdict will be binding. If not, the results are nonbinding but can be used as input to guide further negotiation. Depending on the case, results may be distributed to other interested parties such as regulators and media.